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Latest News : Yearly Archives : 2024

Farewell and Congratulations!

August 14, 2024

After 35 years at NVB we wished Bill Button a very happy retirement at the end of July.  Since joining NVB in 1988, Bill has dedicated his time to the success of NVB.   For the last 23 years he has been instrumental in the development of the practice in his role as a director, whether involved in our International School work in the South East Asia, or steering us safely through the choppy waters of the pandemic.   He will be greatly missed not just for his skill as an architect and a leader but for his pastoral care for the whole NVB Team.

Bill’s retirement is a significant moment in the life of NVB, but is part of a long term succession and development plan and we are delighted to announce the promotion of Jenny Hyden to Associate.  Jenny joined us as landscape team leader when Peter Baker was promoted to Landscape Director two years ago and Jenny’s promotion is recognition of the contribution she makes to the practice as well as a significant enriching of the studio leadership.

We wish Bill and his wife Kath (who retired on the same day as him) a very happy retirement and look forward to Jenny’s continued contribution to life at NVB.

NVB Featured in Building Design

April 5, 2024

NVB’s winning entry in the Architect of the Year Award is featured in the first of Building Design’s Past Winner Deep Dive Series.

You can also read about one of our winning projects for Haberdashers’ Boys’ School in two articles published in Building Design here:

and here, where we discuss what goes into making a truly great classroom environment

Lunar New Year Fai Chun

February 5, 2024

What to do when your new server is being switched over? Learn Fai Chun to celebrate the Lunar New Year, of course! Thanks Annie, Juliette, Kevin and Jeff for the lessons. Combined with a sharing lunch on Monday, it’s been a highly sociable week at NVB.

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